So here she is... Olive. She is a good reason to start this blog. Plus it will make my mom happy. So that is two good reasons, plenty enough.
She is a poo and pee machine, although she is getting pretty good at making it outside. Last night was the first night without an accident in the crate. Which considering this is only her third night here, is rather triumphant.
She is all puppy, very energetic and easily excited. She is also very sweet and really just wants to hang out in the same space that you are in, she has no desire to venture too far off with out you. We will see how long that trait stays in place!
We picked her up from the SPCA on Friday and she is pretty comfortable with us at this point. Starting to recognize her name when we call her. She sits on command about 3/4 of the time, not sure though if that is just because she likes to sit at your feet. .
This is what we know about Olive so far-
- Frank the frog (who is already showing stuffing, she really really loves him)
- To eat as much puppy chow as is placed in front of her
- To put her paws in her water and then run around the house
- To sneak a poo in the back of the dinning room
- To lick faces
- Walking along side of you instead of in front
- Keeping her toys under the coffee table
- Making sure you walk out the door first, she always assumes you are tricking her and are going to lock her out of the house (which has not happened to her, not sure where it came from)
- Barking and dashing at another dog and then stopping at full force once she gets there just to have a smell and say hi
- Chasing after Frank the Frog and bringing him back near you for another throw
- Baths
- Being left alone in the crate
So overall a very agreeable dog..